Distributing Content With uScript Graphs

This section covers ways you can safely (legally) distribute projects and content that use uScript for redistribution through either a Unity package file or to the Unity Asset Store.


If you have used uScript to create scripts and prefabs that you wish to redistribute, you must be careful to not distribute the uScript editor tool itself. This would be a violation of the End User License Agreement (EULA) you agreed to when purchasing and using uScript either directly from Detox Studios or through the Unity Asset Store. The PLE version of uScript must also follow these guidelines to ensure uScript itself is not distributed.


Note! - If you wish to redistribute uScript graphs that you want others to be able to view or edit in the uScript editor, they must have their own uScript license. The purpose of this documentation is to show you how to distribute content such as prefabs and Unity packages for direct use by others without uScript installed. One suggestion if you just want them to see how the graphs are made would be to use uScript's screenshot export feature and include the PNG files along with your content.


What Should Never Be Redistributed

We have tried to make it as easy as possible to separate the uScript Editor from the support files that may freely be distributed. For clarity, here is a list of files and directories that should never be included in any content you wish to distribute to others:



What You Can (And Should) Redistribute

The following parts of uScript were designed to be allowed to for redistribution as required by your content. As a legally licensed user of uScript, you may freely redistribute these files in whole or in part as you see fit:




Here is an example of what your uScript files should look like after deleting all the forbidden uScript editor files from a Unity project (see above), leaving only the files and directories that should be redistributed with your work:




Moving uScript Files For Redistribution

It is recommended that if you will be redistributing something using uScript that you may want to "hide" all the uScript files and folders. This is a fairly straightforward process through the Unity Editor, though there are a few things you will want to keep in mind:



That said, here is an example of a prefab ready for submission to the Unity Asset Store using the default uScript folder structure...




... and here is the same example where the uScript files have been moved deeper into the package to hide them away (everything is under a Scripts folder)...