• _

  • _uScript
    See - Master GameObject
  • B

  • breakpoints
    A breakpoint is how you mark a node for use with uScript's visual debugging system. uScirpt will pause execution of the game whenever a node on a graph is about to execute that has an active breakpoint assigned to it.
  • C

  • Component
    Components are specific functionality that you can assign to GameObjects to give them specific functionality or behaviour. Components can be pre-made ones that ship with Unity such as the Camera, Light, and RigidBody components, or they might be scripts you put on a GameObject such as a player controller. uScript basically allows you to visually make complex components that you can assign to GameObjects in your Unity scenes.
  • G

  • GameObject
    A GameObject is the term used in Unity to refer to any "object" within a Unity scene. GameObejcts by themselves do nothing and are defined by placing components on them which define their behaviour in the game. If you are new to Unity from another game engine, you may know these basic objects as "entities" or "actors".
  • Graph
    A graph is the term used in uScript to describe all the visual logic (nodes and connections) contained within a single .uscript file. The graph is displayed in the uScript editor on the Canvas.
  • I

  • instance
    an instance in uScript allows the user to specify an specific instance of a GameObject that the node should be using to get the information it needs. This is critical to set for any Event Nodes or Reflected Nodes and Properties.
  • M

  • Master GameObject
    This refers to the GameObject in a Unity scene that is automatically created and used by uScript to hold core components for its use (called "_uScript" by default). It is also common to assign user-created scene graphs to this GameObject if they hold scene-wide functionality that does not need to be assigned to a specific GameObject or Prefab within the Unity scene.
  • MonoDevelop
    MonoDevelop is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used for editing source code. Unity ships with MonoDevelop and uses it as it's default programing for source code creation and editing. Learn more at http://monodevelop.com
  • P

  • Prefab
    A Prefab is a reusable GameObject that you can create that might contain many GameObjects and complex behaviour that you can then place within your Unity scenes. When updating a prefab, you can tell Unity to update all the prefabs in the entire game with your changes. Think of them as clones of each other.
  • public
    In the case of uScript and scripting, public means that a certain function or variable has been specified by the programmer to be available for access outside of the script itself. uScript can only reflect items that have been marked as "public".
  • R

  • reflection
    Reflection is a technology that allows uScript to detect what is loaded into memory in the currently open Unity scene and dynamically create visual nodes from it. This allows you to access things outside of uScript inside uScript graphs just like the built in nodes.
  • Resource Folder
    A Resource Folder is a special folder in Unity for loading assets at runtime. If you wish to load an asset such as a texture or audio clip dynamically once the game is running, you can put them into one of these specially named folders to let Unity know it should package them up with the game when building it to be used by the game later.
  • S

  • Scene
    Also called a "level" at times, a Unity scene is a collection of GameObjetcs that can be loaded into memory together when the game is run, When working in the editor, you work on one scene at a time, though many scenes can be loaded at once while the game is running. It is common to break up different game functionality into different scenes, such as the splash screen, main menu, and the game's different levels/maps.
  • T

  • type
    A type, in programming, refers to the specific kind of data you are working with. For example a variable might be of type String or GameObject, while if working with GameObject components, the component might be of type Light, Camera, or AudioSource.
  • U

  • Unity
    Unity is an engine and toolset created by Unity Technologies ApS for creating interactive software and video games on multiple target platforms.
  • uScript Editor
    The actual uScript tool inside Unity used to author and edit visual script graphs.
  • V

  • variables
    Variables are used by uScript to store information for use by Event and Action nodes. There are many types of variables, and each is used to store a specific type of data such as a string of text, number, texture, GameObject, etc.